Monday, February 28, 2011

Big Man on Campus

On February 28th I scheduled a meeting with my principal after school. It ended up being just a quick 5-minute meeting, because of a conflict he had. I was able to ask him two important questions. I asked him who I should talk to in order to get my project going. He responded by telling me that I need to talk to my class supervisor, Mr. Mal, because the mural involves my class and has to be approved by him.
I also asked my principal if there are any places where he think would be a good spot for me to put my mural. He brought up a very good point. He warned me that if I were to consider putting my mural on a wall, there is a  chance that it could be painted over someday, like an old mural from our auditorium. He suggested an alternative for me, and that was to have platforms that would hang in our senior courtyard for seniors to paint during their graduating year. This is a great idea, because it won't get painted over, and when there are class reunions we will be able to display it.
I plan to schedule another meeting with my principal in the next week to get more information about this idea, and see if there is a possibility of me doing it for my project.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Value Sketch

While surfing videos on youtube for tips on mural painting, I came across this "expert village" video that gave information about the steps involved in the mural making process. After watching this video I was reminded of the meaning of composition. Composition is the organization of shapes in the picture, which keeps people looking at the painting for more than a few seconds.The reason why composition is so important is because you want people to view and understand the meaning of the painting. When planning my mural, I need to keep composition in mind. If I have organization in my shapes, it will make the viewers understand it better because it won't be scattered. 
Another interesting step on the mural making process is the importance of a value sketch. A value sketch is a very basic idea of what the outcome will look like. When we return fom our February break I plan to sit down and talk to my art teacher at school, to come up with a way to create a survey to hand out to my classmates. She has had experence with creating and organsing these types of surveys in previous project that she did awhile back . The point of this is to get a basic idea of what what well be decided in the final outcome.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Epic Fail

I ended up not celebrating my brothers birthday with my family because of an argument with my father. However my brother will be returning home this upcoming week, and I plan to reschedule my questions.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Birthday Birthday Birthdayy!

Twenty two years ago today my brother was born . So to celebrate my mother father and I are going to visit him and my sister at their college for the weekend . When I am there I think it would be a great idea to ask my brother some questions about his experience with his mural and find out the reasons it never was finished. Hopefully he will give me some advice that will help me on my mural.or people I should talk to about advice on ideas.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

This Boys Life

Today in class we listened to Tobia's presentation on Tobias Wolff. Tobias was an author of a book we read in the first semester, "This Boys Life". Also we recaped on how things should look for our projects in the next few weeks and what the grading will look like in the end of the year.

Dear Reader

Let me introduce myself. I have been my high school's mascot ever since my sophomore year. The reason that I chose to become the mascot of my school is because when my brother went to school there, he was the mascot. Ever since I was little I looked up to both of my siblings. It was easy to interact with my sister at school, because she was only a year ahead of me. But by the time I got to high school, as a freshman, my brother had already graduated.

While attending high school, my sister and I always participated in the same sports, clubs, and classes. I found a way to connect with her during high school, and I always felt like I would enjoy doing the same with my brother. My brother was a very well known and well liked individual at the high school. He was the class president by freshman year, all the way through his senior year. Along with that, he was the school mascot. He also created the "Red Zone", which is a group of students that wear red and cheer-on the team at games. After my freshman year there wasn't anybody who wanted to be the mascot, so I stepped up to the plate.                                                                                                                                                         When it came to deciding a project for my WISE class for my senior year I thought of all the things I could possibly do. While I was thinking, I reflected on the great success my brother had with his WISE project. His project was to bring back our high school's original mascot, the skunk. He succeeded with flying colors, and even purchased a new skunk suit. Now we are the Little Red Bears and Skunks.                                            For my project I thought it would be interesting to finish a project that my brother wasn't able to finish during his senior year. I would like to create a mural for my class. I plan to research and learn about the history of murals, and their significance in the world. I have sixteen weeks to design, approve, and create a mural on a wall in my school. During this time, I will find new ways of thinking, and I will come up with some ideas of how this mural can be created. In this blog I will document the progress of my experience with this project.
I will have to over come many challenges and fears for this project. Somethings that I fear is creating a mural that will represent a mural for my class that other classes will be able to look at  throughout the years to come. To plan and create a mural is a HUGE responsibility  on my part but I have faith that I can succeed with this challenge.      
For these next two weeks I plan to do research some facts and history of murals. Another thing I would like to research is the significances of murals and there import ants in the world. The second week I plan to talk to the principle and faultily members in my school to find out the possibilities of walls that I could create my mural on.              

1st Meeting with Ms. M

I talked to my mentor Ms. M on the 15th to agree on a weekly meeting time so we can talk about my progress in my project. So from now on I will meet her on her "watch duty" third period every Tuesday. After deciding on a time I was shocked to find out that my mentor, Ms. M was involved with my brothers attempt to make a mural. She gave me some information that she took form my brothers project that has to do with scaffolding safety. I need to be certified in safety in order to use one.Because we all know, safety first! This is the type of important information I need to know in order to get this mural in process. This gives me even more confidence in my mentor choice for Ms. M. I am very eager to know more about what challenges my brother had to over take and the reason it never worked out.