Tuesday, February 15, 2011

1st Meeting with Ms. M

I talked to my mentor Ms. M on the 15th to agree on a weekly meeting time so we can talk about my progress in my project. So from now on I will meet her on her "watch duty" third period every Tuesday. After deciding on a time I was shocked to find out that my mentor, Ms. M was involved with my brothers attempt to make a mural. She gave me some information that she took form my brothers project that has to do with scaffolding safety. I need to be certified in safety in order to use one.Because we all know, safety first! This is the type of important information I need to know in order to get this mural in process. This gives me even more confidence in my mentor choice for Ms. M. I am very eager to know more about what challenges my brother had to over take and the reason it never worked out.

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