Saturday, February 26, 2011

Value Sketch

While surfing videos on youtube for tips on mural painting, I came across this "expert village" video that gave information about the steps involved in the mural making process. After watching this video I was reminded of the meaning of composition. Composition is the organization of shapes in the picture, which keeps people looking at the painting for more than a few seconds.The reason why composition is so important is because you want people to view and understand the meaning of the painting. When planning my mural, I need to keep composition in mind. If I have organization in my shapes, it will make the viewers understand it better because it won't be scattered. 
Another interesting step on the mural making process is the importance of a value sketch. A value sketch is a very basic idea of what the outcome will look like. When we return fom our February break I plan to sit down and talk to my art teacher at school, to come up with a way to create a survey to hand out to my classmates. She has had experence with creating and organsing these types of surveys in previous project that she did awhile back . The point of this is to get a basic idea of what what well be decided in the final outcome.

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