Sunday, March 13, 2011


Today I went to the public library for the opportunity to be apart of a mural that will be displayed in the library. The theme of the mural is fictional characters such as dragons, fairies, and stories like Hansel and Gretel. The development session that day was very useful for me because i learned about copy writing and how you can take other peoples work to every last detail but you can alter it to your style. The women in charge if this mural is very interesting to me. Marybeth is her name and she has many wonderful murals that she told us about around town. Her job is to create murals. Thats SO cool! Just think about painting murals as a career, who wouldn't love to do that??? Anyways, we got a lot done in the hour and a half we were there for. We talked about the layout of the project and we marked on the wall a grid that is scaled on paper and used chalk string and pencils to trace where the chalk was. Since i am so tall i was used to get the high spot on the wall to trace and i was able to get on a scaffold (VERY SCARY>_<) and learned how to assemble it and everything! I do have a video of me up on the scaffold but it on a friends phone but i plan to get it on my blog ASAP.
We weren't able to finish the tracing of the gird so this week when i have time i can stop by when ever and help and same with the other kids involved in the mural. At least once during the week i plan to meet her in the morning to see what i can do to help and work around my conflicts.I am very excited to tell Ms. M about my amazing experience tomorrow during our mentor meeting.

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