Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Money Doesnt Grow on Trees

After considering my principals suggestion about platforms that would hang in our senior courtyard for seniors to paint their graduating year, I would have to strongly consider looking into raising money, or seeking out a grant. If I were to go along with this idea, I would not only have to purchase a platform for my class, but three more after that for the next classes to come. This is where I question if this idea will work. because after the four panels have been purchased, who will buy the next four? The murals would have to be a routine, which might not work out as planned.
 For me to get started on gathering supplies I need to reasearch how much it would be for the total price of my mural. I will need to look at the price of paint and brushes that will be needed for this project. And if i were to go with the platform idea how much would that cost me. So my next mentor meeting i will come up with a list of ways to be able to raise money for this class mural.

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