Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ms. M

Like every tuesday i met with Ms. M to talk about the progress of my project. i showed her that i have the serve ready for the seniors to pick out what draft of the mural they like. i was able to put it together with the help of my friend erin who is a better artist than i am. i also had to break the news that i wasnt able to set any bake sale dates but i have until next meeting to have that all settled. As of last week Ms. M and i set goals of the week so i can focus on what needs to be done by next meeting.....and this is what we came up with
Goals of the week
  • BAKE SALE DATES!-----this needs to happen ASAP!!!!!!!!!
  • Set up serves in Senior lounge(they will be there from 3/28/11 to 4/1/11)
  • Announcement to let seniors know about serve location
  • Find a spot for the mural by (4/1/11)

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