Saturday, April 30, 2011


 When I went into the main office today I was able to pick up my sketch of the mural and I was very relieved to see that it was approved!!!!! After I got the wonderful news I went home to order paint from a company called BLICK art materials and I was able to get a catalog from my art teacher Judy. She said that this type of paint would be good for murals and she used it when she did a mural a few years back.
The types of colors I got were, Blackout White, Mars Black, Bright Red, Burnt Sienna, and Fluorescent Yellow. I got these in all Quart Size Jugs and my art teacher said that would be more than enough.
So in order to pay for these I’m going to have to hold another fundraiser YAYYYY! :/ I was thinking popsicles after school outside sometime soon. Also I met with my class officers and they said that they will match what I make (up to $50) and then I could raise even more money to maybe pay for some new brushes!!!! 

Friday, April 29, 2011

Yes or NO?

Today I had a 2:00 meeting with my principal to discuss approval of the bear and skunk sketch. It came to no surprise that he was dealing with a "situation", and he couldn't spare me any time. So he told me to drop off the sketch to a secretary and he would look at it over the weekend. I'll know on Monday if the sketch has been approved or not. Great =/

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Red flag 6

How much time did you spend on your project?
this has been a really bad week for me with this project. my friend erin who is now doing the sketch will have it done tomorrow before my meeting with Mr. Mills. I am still stressing about it because its not set in stone and i still need to think about things that could go wrong (like her being sick tomorrow:X !) Also today after school i plan to stop at some Hardware stores to see about the cost of paint so that i would say would take about 2 hours.
So in total i would say i spent 45 min meeting with Ms. M, I'm guessing 45 min with Mr. Mills (thats what it has been in the past) 4 hours in total working on editing my blog and the rest of the time stressing about getting things approved. UGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What did you do that was hands on? 
Paint cost shopping and talking to Mary Beth (library mural) about seeing if i could use some of her scrap panels that she has left over
What research did you do?
Tomorrow i will know who to contact about getting my image approved and location
Did you meet with your mentor? What did you talk about?
Yes i met with M.s M and we mainly talked about what i should ask Mr. Mills during my meeting tomorrow and that i need to get my image approved ASAP!!!!!
Do you have at least 3 journal entries?
Yes, i have them written out, and i will get to that this weekend
Were you in class this week?
What are your plans for next week?
talking to the people i need to in order to get my mural approved, and if that happens paint shopping. i dont want to buy pain until the image is approved and set in stone.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Get a Grip

In class today we read an article called, "Get A Grip". I didn't get much from the article when we were reading it, because of the fact that I have one month to get this mural painted, and not much is actually happening. The pace of my project needs to increase if I want to see my mural be complete. During class I was just focused on what needs to happen in order for me to finish my project before school ends. I would make a list, but I don't even know where to begin.. So I need to "get a grip" and finish this.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

How can you tell if it’s a Mural?

After looking at his website I saw a lot of inspirational things that reminded me about my project in some ways. “Just as murals are not completed in isolation…” This is one of the things I found out early in my project was that sometimes you need peoples help in order to get things done. That is why I am allowing any students who wants to help, can help. This will bring people together to do something fun and a great way to meet new people.
When I was reading this website it was talking about is the context of a mural and this is the list it came up with….
  • Social context- Who are the people who made it? How does it fit into the community? 
  • Physical context-Where is it? 
  • Political context- What is it's purpose? Does it sell, promote, inform, inspire?
  • Historical context- When was it made? What difference does that make? 
  • Don't get caught up in what you think the artist was thinking when they created the mural. Talk about what you know from your eyes and from your background in mural analyzing.
*Once my project is completed/ started I will reflect on these questions in a later post to see what my answers are like for my mural.*

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Where did murals originate from?

Spring Break Day 2,
In ancient times, cavemen/ cave women were mural artists. They created picture stories on the insides of their caves, and few of those stories are still visible to us now. 
-----While researching this topic i also found that some art historians in 2005 argue that murals first paintings created on walls date back at least 30,000 years ago. Prehistoric and ancient cultures created the "first murals". They can be found in caves in Lascaux, France, and locations in Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, Greece and Rome. 

So really if you ask me i would say that murals originated from cave people:)

Monday, April 18, 2011

What does this word mean????

Spring Break Day 1
Today is the first full day of my spring break and i am sticking to my promise of not being lazy. So i figured i would start with one of the easy questions on my list, what does the word mural mean? So i surfed (wow that's an old term) and browse the word "mural" and this is what i got. The word mural is both a noun and an adjective.

  • a large picture painted or affixed directly on a wall or ceiling.

  • a greatly enlarged photograph attached directly to a wall.

  • a wallpaper pattern representing a landscape or the like, often with very widely spaced repeats so as to produce the effect of a mural painting on a wall of average size; a trompe l'oeil.----what is that?!
 (WOW that was easy) The funny thing about this question is that i kinda knew what was going to show up when i looked up the word mural. Its a a no brainier ; )

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Fine I’ll do It!!!!!!

For the two people that follow my blog, I have decided not to be lazy during my spring break. I made a promise to Ms. M that I would do research over break, and I’m sticking to it. I know that this will be hard but I have come up with a solution to motivate me during spring break and get some research done. I came up with a list of five questions (one per day). Now these questions are not random questions, these questions are the ones that have been floating around in my head ever since I started this project.
  1. How can you tell if its a mural?
  2.   What does the word mural mean?
  3. Where did murals originate from?
  4. Who is the most famous person who ever created a mural? (I think I know this one)
  5. When did the United States see that murals were important? 
(who, what, where, when, why)---Easy right;)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Red Flag 5

How much time did you spend on your project?
With baking and mentor meeting and being at the bake sale i would say well over 20 hours! this week was so busy! i am very happy with the out come of my bake sale:D i would say this week was "time well spent" ;)

What did you do that was hands on? 
Bake sale, baking, frosting, mentor meeting.

What research did you do?
Well, what i learned about the bake sale was that High school students at my school LOVE cupcakes!

Did you meet with your mentor? What did you talk about?
Yes, we met on Wednesday this week because of the bake sale on a Tuesday. One of my goals is to get a final sketch done before we come back to school over Easter break....also to catch up on journal entries ;)
Do you have at least 3 journal entries?
Not yet, but i wrote everything down, i just need to add it to my blog

Were you in class this week?
I will be today but i wasn't on Tuesday.

What are your plans for next week?
sleep, journal, and sketch

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Just to Swich Things Up

Since i had the bake sale on monday and tuesday this week, Ms. M and i decided that it would be wise to move my mentor meeting to wednsday this week. when i arrived she was very pleased to see that i remembered and didnt let the bake sale interfear with our meeting this week. She contributed to my bake sale by buying a brownie one of the days. i told her about the money i raised and she was very proud of me and that made me realise what a great job i did.

Like every mentor meeting we set goals of the week and this is what we came up with
Goals of the Week
  • FInished sketch of mural (Erin my friend will be working on it over break)
  • figure outestimate cost of all supplies
  • meeting with Mr. Mills to see who i need to talk to about getting everything approved
  • a random list of EVERYTHING i think that needs to happen before mid June (just to see where im at)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Bake Sale Success

After working on no sleep this weekend and with the help of my boyfriends mom i managed to make $115.52 in sales!!! I am very pleased with my success of this bake sale and i know see that you have to work for what you want in order to get it. Over Easter break i will find out a rounded out estimate of what everything will be and see if i need to write a grant and or hold another bake sale.

Monday, April 11, 2011


During todays bake sale my cupcakes sold like hotcakes!!!!!!! i had to run to the store and get more cupcake mix and make 24 more cupcakes for tomorrows sale!!!!!! thats AMAZINGGGG!!!!!!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

LONG DAY!!!!!!

Over the past few months i have been stage managing the spring musical "The WIZ"...and what a stressful time that was for my life and my project. today was the last performance so i am allowed to breathe now;). while i was stage managing the show i asked my boyfriends mom (who is an AMAZING baker) to help me out during my time of need. She was very excited when i asked her to be apart of my project. When i went back to her house she taught me how to frost cupcakes and turns out I'm kinda good at it. I added red sprinkles for some school spirit and made a sign with the cost of the bake goods and what the bake sale is for.
  • cookies 50
  • brownies 27
  • muffins 24
  • cupcakes 48-But now there is now only 47 cupcakes because we decided to split one because they looked yummy....and they were!!!!!!

So tomorrow i will set up my bake sale starting second period which means i need to get out of bed before i normally do...but no big deal right??? And i will sell 3rd and 6th period and my boyfriend is willing to help me during 4th and 5th when i have classes. i will report back tomorrow on what a sell and how much i make, WISH ME LUCK!!!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ithaca Journal

Today, as usual I showed up late to my first class (Economics) and i was surprised about the comment made by my teacher.When i walked in he was in the middle of telling the class what they were doing for the day, and when i walked in he stopped to tell me he say me in the paper this morning. I had no clue what he was talking about but then he asked me if i was doing something with murals. At that moment i was filled with excitement because the article about the library mural had arrived!!!! So i told EVERYONE that day even Ms. M and she was very proud to see my hard work pay off and to get recognised for it :D! So below i attached the article that was online and i hung the paper copy in my room.

Friday, April 1, 2011

This is not an April Fools Joke!!!!!

Mr. Mills signed the mural serve sheet!!!!!! I had a meeting with him today to inform him that a decision has to be made about which image is going to be used in the mural, and that the project cannot go any furthur until the sheet is signed by him. He understood, and signed it. As he was signing it, I felt the relief wash over me. Finally, some real progress is being made.