Sunday, April 10, 2011

LONG DAY!!!!!!

Over the past few months i have been stage managing the spring musical "The WIZ"...and what a stressful time that was for my life and my project. today was the last performance so i am allowed to breathe now;). while i was stage managing the show i asked my boyfriends mom (who is an AMAZING baker) to help me out during my time of need. She was very excited when i asked her to be apart of my project. When i went back to her house she taught me how to frost cupcakes and turns out I'm kinda good at it. I added red sprinkles for some school spirit and made a sign with the cost of the bake goods and what the bake sale is for.
  • cookies 50
  • brownies 27
  • muffins 24
  • cupcakes 48-But now there is now only 47 cupcakes because we decided to split one because they looked yummy....and they were!!!!!!

So tomorrow i will set up my bake sale starting second period which means i need to get out of bed before i normally do...but no big deal right??? And i will sell 3rd and 6th period and my boyfriend is willing to help me during 4th and 5th when i have classes. i will report back tomorrow on what a sell and how much i make, WISH ME LUCK!!!

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