Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Just to Swich Things Up

Since i had the bake sale on monday and tuesday this week, Ms. M and i decided that it would be wise to move my mentor meeting to wednsday this week. when i arrived she was very pleased to see that i remembered and didnt let the bake sale interfear with our meeting this week. She contributed to my bake sale by buying a brownie one of the days. i told her about the money i raised and she was very proud of me and that made me realise what a great job i did.

Like every mentor meeting we set goals of the week and this is what we came up with
Goals of the Week
  • FInished sketch of mural (Erin my friend will be working on it over break)
  • figure outestimate cost of all supplies
  • meeting with Mr. Mills to see who i need to talk to about getting everything approved
  • a random list of EVERYTHING i think that needs to happen before mid June (just to see where im at)

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