Thursday, April 28, 2011

Red flag 6

How much time did you spend on your project?
this has been a really bad week for me with this project. my friend erin who is now doing the sketch will have it done tomorrow before my meeting with Mr. Mills. I am still stressing about it because its not set in stone and i still need to think about things that could go wrong (like her being sick tomorrow:X !) Also today after school i plan to stop at some Hardware stores to see about the cost of paint so that i would say would take about 2 hours.
So in total i would say i spent 45 min meeting with Ms. M, I'm guessing 45 min with Mr. Mills (thats what it has been in the past) 4 hours in total working on editing my blog and the rest of the time stressing about getting things approved. UGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What did you do that was hands on? 
Paint cost shopping and talking to Mary Beth (library mural) about seeing if i could use some of her scrap panels that she has left over
What research did you do?
Tomorrow i will know who to contact about getting my image approved and location
Did you meet with your mentor? What did you talk about?
Yes i met with M.s M and we mainly talked about what i should ask Mr. Mills during my meeting tomorrow and that i need to get my image approved ASAP!!!!!
Do you have at least 3 journal entries?
Yes, i have them written out, and i will get to that this weekend
Were you in class this week?
What are your plans for next week?
talking to the people i need to in order to get my mural approved, and if that happens paint shopping. i dont want to buy pain until the image is approved and set in stone.

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