Wednesday, April 20, 2011

How can you tell if it’s a Mural?

After looking at his website I saw a lot of inspirational things that reminded me about my project in some ways. “Just as murals are not completed in isolation…” This is one of the things I found out early in my project was that sometimes you need peoples help in order to get things done. That is why I am allowing any students who wants to help, can help. This will bring people together to do something fun and a great way to meet new people.
When I was reading this website it was talking about is the context of a mural and this is the list it came up with….
  • Social context- Who are the people who made it? How does it fit into the community? 
  • Physical context-Where is it? 
  • Political context- What is it's purpose? Does it sell, promote, inform, inspire?
  • Historical context- When was it made? What difference does that make? 
  • Don't get caught up in what you think the artist was thinking when they created the mural. Talk about what you know from your eyes and from your background in mural analyzing.
*Once my project is completed/ started I will reflect on these questions in a later post to see what my answers are like for my mural.*

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