Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Clean up

Clean up! The number one rule of painting is always clean your brushes after use! you wouldnt was old paint rusted into the brush because it would ruin it!

End product of the day :)


Here are some pictures of Erin and I working hard on details to make the mural look even more amazing

Helping Hands

I had no problems asking students to help paint. Everyone was curious on why I choose to do a mural as a project and I must have told my story about 10 times today to different people that asked. Having time to explain my project to others was an awesome time to practice how I want to word things during my presentation.

Ready, Set, PAINT!!!!

Today I started to paint!!!!!!....well only the white background but still I started to paint today! I started with a white base primer that I found at my house because Judy suggested that I started with a layer of that. I just received a call from Blick Art (paint company) that informed me my paint will be here by the end of next week. This is good and bad news...good news because it’s on its way and bad news because my mural won’t be done in time for my presentation. This makes me think I should have found a different source for paint but there is nothing I can do about that now.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Better late then never:)

After a very productive day I had yesterday it gave me motivation to ask my brother some questions that I was curious about even before my project started. I called him and I asked him if he had time to talk. I asked him 3 simple questions in our phone call.

Me: so how come you never finished the mural you wanted to do during your senior year?
Phil: I had everything done, the image was approved, I set up a location, and had all the paint bought and ready to go. The reason why we couldn’t start was because a lady in the school district (he didn’t remember her name) was going to set up training for scaffolding so we could use a scaffold to paint on the walls, which never happened.
Me: Well where did all the paint go?
Phil: After my class graduated they used it to paint benches and rails outside the school.
Me: Do you know where your original image is?
Phil: Yeah last time I was home I pulled it out and it’s on the bookshelf before you enter my room.

--->kinda like mine right???? ;)