Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Time Flies when you’re Having Fun

Turns out I did the creative assignment earlier than I expected it being due and got it done a week earlier. This is good because today in class I saw what needs to be done before my presentation which is on the 7th of June at 3:45. AHHHHHHH!!!!!!---we also picked student evaluation dates but I wasn’t able to this class but I will next class.

Some of the things that need to be done are a Narrative essay, a story about my WISE project, a Bibliography & Research Commentary and I need to do a Distribution of Materials. If I learned anything from my portfolio experience, I am NOT putting this off until the last minute. Therefore I set personal due dates to get things done in time so there is less stress to deal with when they are due. These dates might change because of interferences in my schedule but i will try my hardest to make it happen. This leaves me room to ask for help/ or if I need revisions. So in a way I’m learning from my experience in this class and taking step into improving my way of working.

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