Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tips for Future Students

In our weekly class meeting we wrote letters to future Wise students to tell them what they should know about what they should know what they should know in order to understand the expectations of the class. I didn’t really write a letter but I wrote down a few key points I think all the future students should know.
Wise Guide
  • Details are important, you can’t just cut details out of your recording of your progress. Even if you think some information doesn’t matter, it does. You need to explain how you get from one step to the next. You need to let your reader know exactly what was going on, in order for them to truly understand how things were done.
  • Plan ahead! Always question “What next?” .  After you get done with a task make sure you know what needs to happen after that to keep things going! Set goals. Write things out! Tell people your ideas and sort out what needs to happen first. Think things through!
  • Don’t take on too much. Know your limits. You cant expect your body to keep up with a packed schedule because there will be a tipping point of too much work. Keep in mind that you cant always to everything, challenge yourself but not to the point of execution. Take care of yourself and don’t let a little extra work make you go crazy.

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