Thursday, May 5, 2011

Red Flag 7

How much time did you spend on your project?

I ordered paint over the phone that took 30 min,20 min on the phone with Mary Beth to see where I should go looking for a panel,4 hours blogging,10 min driving from school to Cayuga Lumber,  20min waiting for Mr. Mills when he didn't show up, I went to Cayuga lumber to check out panels for an hour and I spent 45 min with Ms. M during our weekly meetings, and I have been talking to my old art teacher about using her room for a place I could work on my panel in.
What did you do that was hands on? 
I ordered paint over the phone and took a looked at panels at Cayuga Lumber.
What research did you do?
What type of paint would be best for painting on a panel (got help from art teacher). Also that I need a flame retardant panel for it to be in the school
Did you meet with your mentor? What did you talk about?
Yes we met, and we made a deadline for me to have the image...Just the image no paint yet, on the panel by the end of next week
Do you have at least 3 journal entries?
Yes,more than three.
Were you in class this week?
For the red flag class I was.
What are your plans for next week?
Get the image of the bear and skunk sketched on panel!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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