Thursday, May 19, 2011

Red Flag 9

How much time did you spend on your project?
45 min with Mentor, 15min spending time on the phone with Cayuga Lumber (CL),10 min drive to CL, 30 min at CL to pick up panel, 45 min in total talking to Liberians about signing out a projector for the mural, and about 4 hours fixing and taking notes on my blog to get ready for the final project.
What did you do that was hands on? 
I was on the phone with Cayuga Lumber (CL), I drove to CL, and I talked to the schools Liberians about signing out a projector for the mural.
What research did you do?
The Liberians told me what needs happen in order to sign out a projector.(Just fill out a sheet that I wouldn’t break it and then to sign it)
Did you meet with your mentor? What did you talk about?
Yes we met, and basically I need to get things in gear in order to finish the mural in time.
Do you have at least 3 journal entries?
Yep, Tuesdays Class, Thursdays class, Mentor meeting, an Important dates entry, and a forgotten post which I found as a draft when I was looking through older posts.
Were you in class this week?
YepJ Both days.
What are your plans for next week?

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