Monday, May 16, 2011

A forgotten post

I’m working extra hard to make the ending of my project less stressful as possible. Therefore I am trying to get organized with things I should have done during my project instead of now. So since I’m making up for lost time I was looking through my blog for links/ people that I could use when I get my Bibliography & Research Commentary started. After looking at all my posts I have done this year for my project I found this link from that should have been posted but wasn’t. There was no writing in the draft post just the link so I must have forgotten about it. WHOOPS!

Well since I have it now let me explain why this link is so important. Since I am not an artist I needed a way to transfer my image for paper to a panel. One day I was looking through different videos to see different ways I could do that and this one looked the easiest ;) when I do my mural I will do different posts to explain how I am doing things like in the video. At this time in my project I am looking into video posts and little notes to explain in more detail. I also have to keep in mind that my video posts cant drag on forever because I wouldn’t want to bore my readers.

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