Friday, May 27, 2011

Better late then never:)

After a very productive day I had yesterday it gave me motivation to ask my brother some questions that I was curious about even before my project started. I called him and I asked him if he had time to talk. I asked him 3 simple questions in our phone call.

Me: so how come you never finished the mural you wanted to do during your senior year?
Phil: I had everything done, the image was approved, I set up a location, and had all the paint bought and ready to go. The reason why we couldn’t start was because a lady in the school district (he didn’t remember her name) was going to set up training for scaffolding so we could use a scaffold to paint on the walls, which never happened.
Me: Well where did all the paint go?
Phil: After my class graduated they used it to paint benches and rails outside the school.
Me: Do you know where your original image is?
Phil: Yeah last time I was home I pulled it out and it’s on the bookshelf before you enter my room.

--->kinda like mine right???? ;)

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