Thursday, May 12, 2011

Red Flag 8

How much time did you spend on your project?
45 min mentor meeting, 20 min first time at Cayuga Lumber asking about what kind of panel I needed (walked out with no answer), an hour in total on the phone with both Cayuga lumber/ the paint catalog comp.,  I was able to get started on my Bibliography/ Research Commentary, and I would say I spent 3 ½ hours journaling for this week.
What did you do that was hands on? 
Getting in touch with Cayuga Lumber, seeing what the total is for everything regarding my project. I went the extra step when they wouldn’t.
What research did you do?
I looked back on my research throughout my blog and I am now seeing I should have organized this earlier in my project.
Did you meet with your mentor? What did you talk about?
Yes, we talked about how I need more money if I plan on paying for everything…which I have to! (future fundraisers)
Do you have at least 3 journal entries?
7….counting this one ;)
Were you in class this week?
Yes, I was both Tuesday and Thursday.
What are your plans for next week?
When I get the panel next week I need to get the image on it right away!!!!!!

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